Someone who does not own DiskDoubler must have DDExpand in order to expand DiskDoubler files. DDExpand is provided so that you can give DiskDoubler files along with DDExpand to people who do not own DiskDoubler.
DDExpand, DDExpand INIT, and DDMiniExpand are stripped-down versions of DiskDoubler that can only expand. DDExpand can (1) expand compressed files (2) join split files, and (3) decombine combined files. DDExpand cannot compress, split or combine files. DDExpand and DDExpand INIT can also unstuff StuffIt 1.5.1 and PackIt archives. DDMiniExpand does not have this capability.
It is acceptable to upload DDExpand to bulletin boards, etc. If you supply it on a floppy disk to someone, you must include the copyright notice from your DiskDoubler master disk. You should include this file with DDExpand when you upload it.
DDExpand is supplied on the disk in compressed form. Before giving it to someone, you must expand it. If you do not do this, they will not be able to use it.
You should not install DDExpand on your disk. If you do want to install it, keep it in compressed form. Otherwise, the Finder will be confused between DiskDoubler App and DDExpand.
You may NOT give the regular versions of DiskDoubler to anyone (DiskDoubler™ INIT and DiskDoubler™ App).
Salient retains all rights to copyright and trademarks associated with DiskDoubler and DDExpand. DDExpand is freeware, but it is NOT public domain. DiskDoubler and DDExpand are trademarks of Salient.
Attention developers:
By compressing files, you can save the number of floppy disks needed to ship your software. DDExpand and/or DDMiniExpand can be licensed for inclusion with other software for just $200/yr for unlimited distribution. Contact Salient at (415)-321-5375 to obtain a (1 page) license form.